Project Management and Execution

Success can be planned
- with the right partners

From global corporations to medium-sized businesses:
When it comes to project execution in challenging environments, LKMC is widely trusted!

Your Goals, Our Expertise

Battery Production
Clean Rooms

The industry is incredibly diverse and fast-paced. We have made it our mission to adapt quickly and solve individual challenges, whatever the problem you are facing.

Project-Planning and Execution
  • Are your project managers busy firefighting instead of planning proactively?
  • Have you recently secured a project and need interim staff or kick-start support?
  • Is your production about to start, or is an approval process coming up?
Strategy and Organization
  • Do you need market forecasts and actionable recommendations?
  • Is your organization facing an upcoming restructuring?
  • Is there a need for gap analysis and implementation of measures?
Training and Education
  • We provide training on the production process from cell to pack.
  • Are there uncertainties regarding legal topics such as the EU Battery Regulation?
  • We offer a wide range of training programs (Safety, AI in batteries, and more).
Optimization Projects
  • Are your manufacturing costs too high or no longer competitive?
  • Do project execution costs regularly exceed the budget?
  • Are you facing challenges with overly tight delivery deadlines?

Partnerships in Research and Industry

What our customers say

Dank LKMC konnten wir Verbesserungspotentiale in unserem Projektmanagement gezielt identifizieren und insbesondere die kommunikativen und methodischen Fähigkeiten der Projektleiter stärken. Thyssenkrupp
Durch die strukturierte und proaktive Vorgehensweise im Projektmanagement, konnte die LKMC die Basis für ein erfolgreiches Projekt legen und gleichzeitig die beteiligten Kollegen weiterentwickeln. Webasto
„Die Firma LKMC war beauftragt unseren Prozessstandard zur Eigenfertigung von Hochvoltbatterien auf Prozesslücken zu reviewen. Durch die äußert kompetente und fachkundige Analyse konnten wir die Anzahl an Schnittstellen reduzieren, Potentiale in der Zusammenarbeit erschließen und neue Prozesstechnologien erstmalig implementieren“ Audi